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emk Tutorial

This tutorial gives examples of basic usage of emk and goes over some of the features. See the Manual for full documentation of emk’s features.

First, clone the emk repository in the location of your choice: git clone This will create the root emk directory. All of the tutorial code is available in the emk repository, in the tutorial directory.

Before starting the tutorial, you should install emk (by running sudo ./ install (*nix) or python install (Windows)) in the root emk directory) so that you can run emk simply by calling emk (rather than needing to use an absolute or relative path). You also need gcc and binutils installed (or you can use Visual Studio on Windows; see below), and a JDK if you want to run the Java examples.


The command-line commands and sample output below are based on Linux/OSX. On Windows, the file extensions will not match (for example, executables fill end in .exe instead of nothing). You will also need to make sure to use the correct commands for the Windows cmd.exe.

Visual Studio

To compile and link using Visual Studio instead of gcc, rename/copy the provided file in the <emk>/config directory to After this is done, should contain the following:

c, link = emk.module("c", "link")
c.compiler = c.MsvcCompiler()
link.linker = link.MsvcLinker()

1. Basics

In this section, we will create a simple C function in one file, and an executable that calls that function. First we create a new directory for this section:

xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ mkdir 1_basics
xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ cd 1_basics

Create the emk rules file

Create the file in that directory. Here are the contents:


This sets up emk to automatically detect and build C and C++ source files, and link them into static libraries or executables (depending on whether or not the source file defines a main() function).

C files

Create a header file print_function.h declaring a do_print() function:


void do_print(void);


And create print_function.c to actually implement do_print():

#include "print_function.h"

#include <stdio.h>

void do_print(void)
    printf("In the emk tutorial, part 1\n");

Now create a C program print.c that will call do_print():

#include "print_function.h"

int main()
    return 0;


Run emk in the directory; remember that all build output will be placed in the __build__ directory (which is created if needed). emk’s c module will compile and link the C files into a static library lib1_basics.a (containing the compiled print_function.c) and an executable print (from print.c). You can now run the executable:

xxxx:1_basics kmackay$ __build__/print 
In the emk tutorial, part 1

2. Java

In this section, we will do the same thing as in section 1, but for Java. First we create a new directory for this section:

xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ mkdir 2_java
xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ cd 2_java

Create the emk rules file

Create the file in that directory. Here are the contents:


This sets up emk to automatically detect and build Java source files, and link them into a jar file. An executable jar file will be created for any Java class that contains a main() method.

Java files

Create a java file containing a do_print() method:

class PrintFunction
    void do_print()
        System.out.println("In the emk tutorial, part 2");

Now create a Java program that will call do_print():

class print
    public static void main(String[] argv)
        new PrintFunction().do_print();


Run emk in the directory; remember that all build output will be placed in the __build__ directory (which is created if needed). emk’s java module will compile the java files and put them into a 2_java.jar file; it will also create an executable print.jar that will call the main() method of the print class. You can now run print.jar:

xxxx:2_java kmackay$ java -jar __build__/print.jar
In the emk tutorial, part 2

3. Project

In this section, we will create a couple of C libraries to show off the transitive linking abilities of emk. We will also create an file to demonstrate how it can make managing larger projects simpler, and to show off the hierarchical configuration. First we create a new directory for this section:

xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ mkdir 3_project
xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ cd 3_project

Create the project-level emk files

Create an file containing the following:

c = emk.module("c")
c.defines["DEFINED_VALUE"] = 10

This sets the project directory for emk in any subdirectories to the current directory. The project directory is available via the emk.proj_dir property, or you can use the $:proj:$ placeholder in strings passed to emk. We add the project directory as an include directory for the c module; this allows C code to #include headers relative to the project directory rather than relative to the directory the C code is in.

We also set up a C DEFINED_VALUE macro; this will be defined as 10 in all subdirectories of the project directory, unless the value is overridden by an file (or

Next we create an file in the project directory. This is not required but is useful if you want to build/clean your project from the project directory.

emk.subdir("math", "printing", "exes")

This file just tells emk to recurse into the 3 subdirectories that we will create, and to clean in those directories if emk clean is run in the project directory.

Create the subdirectories


The first library directory will be called math, and will contain the following files:



#ifndef MATH_H
#define MATH_H

int sum(int a, int b);



#include "math.h"

int sum(int a, int b)
    return a + b;


The second library directory will be called printing, and will contain the following files:

c, link = emk.module("c", "link")
c.defines["DEFINED_VALUE"] = 999
link.projdirs += ["math"]

Note that we override the DEFINED_VALUE macro in this directory. We also use link.projdirs to tell the link module that the code in this directory depends on code in the math directory; the paths in link.projdirs are relative to the project directory. You could also use link.depdirs += ["../math"] to achieve the same result (depdirs are absolute, or relative to the current directory).


#ifndef PRINTING_H
#define PRINTING_H

void print_sum(int a, int b);



#include "printing.h"
#include "math/math.h"

#include <stdio.h>

void print_sum(int a, int b)
    printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, sum(a, b));
    printf("The defined value in printing.c is %d\n", DEFINED_VALUE);


The final directory will be called exes, and will contain the example executable:

c, link = emk.module("c", "link")
link.projdirs += ["printing"]

This rules file tells the link module that the code in this directory depends on the code in the printing directory. Note that although the executable indirectly depends on the math directory, we do not need to add that as a dependency; emk will pick that dependency up automatically from the printing directory. This is an example of the link module’s transitive properties.


#include "printing/printing.h"

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    print_sum(1234, 5678);
    printf("In the emk tutorial, part 3. The defined value in test.c is %d\n", DEFINED_VALUE);
    return 0;

This is the test executable that we will run to see the resulting output.


We can now build in the exes directory:

xxxx:exes kmackay$ emk

This will build all the necessary files and create a __build__/test executable. We can now run that executable:

xxxx:exes kmackay$ __build__/test 
1234 + 5678 = 6912
The defined value in printing.c is 999
In the emk tutorial, part 3. The defined value in test.c is 10

You can see that the DEFINED_VALUE was 10 in test.c (inherited from, but in printing.c, the value was 999 since we overrode the value in the file for that directory.

4. Rules

In this section we will demonstrate the creation of a new emk rule. The rule will generate a header file containing information about the current git revision and URL. We will create a test program that depends on that header file; this will show how to add dependencies to a target. First we create a new directory for this section:

xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ mkdir 4_rules
xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ cd 4_rules

The rules file

The file will contain a lot of code to get the git revision and URL, and to generate the header file. Here is the code:

import os

c, utils = emk.module("c", "utils")

def get_git_revision(in_dir):
    rev, err, code ="git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD", print_call=False, cwd=in_dir)
    return rev.strip()

def get_git_branch(in_dir):
    branch = ""
    out, err, code ="git", "branch", print_call=False, print_stderr=False, cwd=in_dir)
    lines = out.splitlines()
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith("* "):
            branch = line[2:]
    return branch

def get_git_url(in_dir):
    out, err, code ="git", "remote", print_call=False, cwd=in_dir)
    urls = []
    for repo in out.split():
        info, err, code ="git", "remote", "show", "-n", repo, print_call=False, cwd=in_dir)
        lines = info.splitlines()
        for line in lines:
            if line.startswith("  Fetch URL: "):
                url = line[13:]
                if url:
    return ', '.join(urls)

@emk.make_rule("revision.h", emk.ALWAYS_BUILD, cwd_safe=True)
def generate_revision_header(produces, requires):
    cache = emk.rule_cache(produces[0])  
    current_revision = "%s (%s)" % (get_git_revision(emk.scope_dir), get_git_branch(emk.scope_dir))
    if "last_revision" in cache and cache["last_revision"] == current_revision and os.path.isfile(produces[0]):
    cache["last_revision"] = current_revision

    template = """

#define REVISION "%(revision)s"
#define URL "%(url)s"

    with open(produces[0], "w") as f:
        f.write(template % {"revision": current_revision, "url": get_git_url(emk.scope_dir)})

emk.depend("$:build:$/revision" + c.obj_ext, "revision.h")

First, we import the os Python module since we use it later. Then we load the c and utils emk modules.

We then define the get_git_revision, get_git_branch, and get_git_url functions to get imformation about the git repository; these use the method supplied by the emk utils module to call various git utilities and get the output, which is then parsed to get the desired information.

Next, we create a new emk rule to generate a revision.h file. Since we are only creating a single rule, we use the @emk.make_rule decorator. We make the rule always be built by including emk.ALWAYS_BUILD in the requires list; this is because we want the rule to check if the git revision has changed (if is has, the rule needs to update the generated header file). We declare the rule as cwd_safe since it does not depend on the current working directory. Note that the relative path “revision.h” is converted to an absolute path before it is passed to the rule function.

The rule function gets the emk cache for the generated header file (using emk.rule_cache()). It then gets the current git revision, and compares it against the cached value. If there is a cached revision value, and it is the same as the current git revision, then the generated header file does not need to be changed; therefore, if the header file already exists, the rule function just returns without changing anything. Otherwise, it stores the new revision value in the emk cache, and then (re)generates the header file.

We need to tell emk that the C file (revision.c) that uses the generated header file has a dependency on the header file. This is required because emk must generate the header file before the C file can be compiled the first time; it is not required for normal header files since they already exist. To add the dependency, we call emk.depend("$:build:$/revision" + c.obj_ext, "revision.h"); this tells emk that before it can compile the C file into an object file, it must build revision.h. Note that it would be possible to build a module (or modify the existing c module) to examine the C source to automatically determine header file dependencies so that this manual process is not required.

Finally we call utils.clean_rule("revision.h") so that revision.h will be deleted when emk clean is run.

Note that ordinarily, emk would not build revision.h unless told to; however, since it is a dependency of something that is autobuilt (by the link module), it will be built automatically if no targets are explicitly specified. To declare that something should be built automatically when no targets are specified, use emk.autobuild() (for example, in this case you would use emk.autobuild("revision.h")). See the Manual for more information about emk’s loading process and which targets will be built.

C file

We just have a simple C program revision.c that prints out the git information from the generated header file:

#include "revision.h"

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("In the emk tutorial, part 4: Revision %s from %s\n", REVISION, URL);
    return 0;


Run emk in the directory; remember that all build output will be placed in the __build__ directory (which is created if needed). You can now run the revision executable:

xxxx:4_rules kmackay$ __build__/revision 
In the emk tutorial, part 4: Revision b2cf3e6 (master) from ssh://

5. Modules

In the previous section, we created some functions to get information about the git repository, and created a rule to generate a header file based on that information. However, it would be nice to abstract all of that code out into an emk module; then it would be easily available for reuse in any file. This section will explain how to make a module. First we create a new directory for this section:

xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ mkdir 5_modules
xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ cd 5_modules

Creating the module

First we create a subdirectory to put the module in (this is not required, but is a good way to organize things):

xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ mkdir modules
xxxx:tutorial kmackay$ cd modules

Then we create the module file, which contains the following code:

import os
import logging

utils = emk.module("utils")
log = logging.getLogger("emk.revision")

def get_git_revision(in_dir):
    rev, err, code ="git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD", print_call=False, cwd=in_dir)
    return rev.strip()

def get_git_branch(in_dir):
    branch = ""
    out, err, code ="git", "branch", print_call=False, print_stderr=False, cwd=in_dir)
    lines = out.splitlines()
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith("* "):
            branch = line[2:]
    return branch

def get_git_url(in_dir):
    out, err, code ="git", "remote", print_call=False, cwd=in_dir)
    urls = []
    for repo in out.split():
        info, err, code ="git", "remote", "show", "-n", repo, print_call=False, cwd=in_dir)
        lines = info.splitlines()
        for line in lines:
            if line.startswith("  Fetch URL: "):
                url = line[13:]
                if url:
    return ', '.join(urls)

def generate_revision_header(produces, requires):
    cache = emk.rule_cache(produces[0])  
    current_revision = "%s (%s)" % (get_git_revision(emk.scope_dir), get_git_branch(emk.scope_dir))
    if "last_revision" in cache and cache["last_revision"] == current_revision and os.path.isfile(produces[0]):"Revision has not changed; not updating %s", produces[0])
    cache["last_revision"] = current_revision

    template = """

#define REVISION "%(revision)s"
#define URL "%(url)s"

""""Generating revision file %s", produces[0])
    with open(produces[0], "w") as f:
        f.write(template % {"revision": current_revision, "url": get_git_url(emk.scope_dir)})

class Module(object):
    def __init__(self, scope, parent=None):
        if parent:
            self.output_name = parent.output_name
            self.output_name = "revision.h"
    def new_scope(self, scope):
        return Module(scope, parent=self)
    def post_rules(self):
        if not
            emk.rule(generate_revision_header, self.output_name, emk.ALWAYS_BUILD, cwd_safe=True)

First, the module file imports some required modules and sets up logging for the revision module (this is not required, but is nice to have). Then we have the same functions (from section 4 of the tutorial) to get the git information, as well as the rule function.

Then, we have the actual module definition. This is just a class named Module, which has two requirements:

In this example we set up the constructor and new_scope() method as you would do for inheriting configuration values. The only configuration value that can be inherited is the name of the file to output.

Optionally the module instance may also have load_global(), post_global(), load_project(), post_project(), load_subproj(), post_subproj(), load_rules(), or post_rules() methods. The load_<scope>() method will be called called when the module is loaded into the named scope; the post_<scope>() method will be called after the scope file has been handled (eg, post_rules() will be called after the file has been handled). In this example, we define a post_rules() method to set up the rule to generate the code (if emk is not cleaning) and to make the generated code be deleted when cleaning.

The rules file

The C code will be the same as for the previous section; we just need to update the file to load the new module and use it. Here is the contents of (back in the 5_modules directory):

c, revision = emk.module("c", "revision")
emk.depend("$:build:$/revision" + c.obj_ext, "revision.h")

First we tell emk that it can also load modules from the modules directory. We then load the builtin c module and the revision module that we just created. Then we add the dependency on revision.h to the object file as before.

Here is the revision.c file, which is the same as in section 4:

#include "revision.h"

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("In the emk tutorial, part 5: Revision %s from %s\n", REVISION, URL);
    return 0;


Run emk in the 5_modules directory; remember that all build output will be placed in the __build__ directory (which is created if needed). You can now run the revision executable:

xxxx:5_modules kmackay$ __build__/revision 
In the emk tutorial, part 5: Revision 6dc0380 (master) from ssh://